Tammy's Knitting Space

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

We have a new family member!

Well, here he is. This is TJ, Josie's new little brother. Basically, my husband came home last Friday and decided he was getting this puppy. Easy enough to say, but he doesn't quite remember what Josie was like as a pup because he wasn't here!! He was out to sea and missed the housebreaking and the chewing and the crying and the peeing and everything else!! And now, guess who still has to do it?? Me because Im the one home all day long. I can tell you I had no intentions of getting another puppy. I was quite happy with just our little princess, Josie. But look at TJ, can you help not falling in love???? Right now, Josie tolerates him, but I can't say there is any love there yet. Although the puppy loves Josie!! Its so cute, when Josie is napping, sometimes the puppy will go up to her and acts as it Josie is her mother and wants to feed. Josie's pretty good with that. But Josie hasn't learned yet that all she has to do is jump up on the bed or couch, because the puppy can't jump yet. The puppy does sleep all night long though, so that's a plus.

This weekend was a busy one. It was the first competition for my daughter's cheering team. They performed at the Athletic National Competitions in Providence, RI. They did so well, and ended up with 2nd. They did awesome!! They looked like they had been out there doing the routine forever, when in reality, the first time they performed their routine to music was Friday afternoon!! Here's a picture of my daughter with her friend, and another picture of her team. They have another competition this weekend in Hartford, CT. Looking forward to that. Fortunately, this one is a one day event. This past weekend was two days, so we had to spend one night at a hotel. I really thought I would have the opportunity to get a lot of knitting done this weekend, but not a stitch was knit! I'm really itching to get some knitting down this week.


  • At 4:36 PM, Blogger hakucho said…

    T.J is so cute! Actually Josie and T.J. are both so cute. I love Boston terriers. We don't have a dog, but if I could have one I'd want either a Boston or a French bulldog! I'm afraid to get a dog because I have 3 stubborn boys and I'm afraid if I get a dog he or she will be stubborn, too. Are Bostons hard to train? I'm also afraid of the expense. Cost of dog + care, etc. With one boy in college there is not extra money for a dog.
    Congratulation on your daughter's fantastic finish in the competition and good luck to her this coming weekend :)
    happy knitting :)

  • At 5:25 PM, Blogger Marguerite said…

    Sympathy on the puppy. I remember how much work a puppy is even though it's been five years.

    Hope it all goes smoothly for you.

  • At 12:06 PM, Blogger Deborah said…

    while my hubby has never been out to sea, he has been out to lunch! He traveled a lot and "gave" me a poodle puppy when I was 5 months pregnant - "to keep me company". Never mind I had 2 toddlers at the time! Does testosterone impede their ability to think?


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