Tammy's Knitting Space

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The winds they were a-blowing

Image hosted by Webshots.com Well, my weekend didn't turn out quite as I expected. As I mentioned in one of my earliers posts, my mother, me and my kids were going to take a trip to a farm Farmhouse Yarns, LLC to get some yarn. So we take this long trip out to the middle of nowhere, only to find that the weather is too severe for her to hold her sale today. Oh well, I guess we should have checked before leaving, and yes, the weather was very severe. We had to avoid many branches in the road on the way there. The wind was unbelievable. So, we decided to find somewhat nice to have lunch. We ended up in Old Saybrook, and had lunch at Dock & Dine . This restaurant is right on the water, and is built on a dock. When we pulled up to the restaurant the first thing that caught our eyes was the waving crashing over the docks and the huge white caps. We took a window seat and watched the waves. It really was amazing to watch. The waves in some parts of the dining room were crashing over the docks and into the windows. And that was not even high tide. I have to admit, I almost felt a little seasick feeling the waves crashing underneath us. But it was a delightful lunch all us girls.
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We decided after to do a little shopping, and stopped by the Saybrook Country Barn, which an incredible place to shop. Ahh, if only I had an unlimited cash flow.... I could spend the whole day there. But two teenage girls quickly became bored and were anxious to get to the mall. So off to the mall we went, and both were able to find winter jackets, and incredible prices too! I may have not turned out to be the day I intended, and I did not touch one hank of fiber, but it was a great day anyhow, spending it with my girls and my mom.

My youngest daughter and me are the only ones in the family who really like horror movies, so while hubby and oldest daughter went to the high school football game, youngest daughter and I hit blockbuster and spent the weekend watching "Silent Hill", "The Blair Witch Project", and the "Exorcist". We also saw a bit of "Nightmare on Elm Street" Saturday afternoon as well. Halloween is always a great excuse to see a scary movie!

Well in the knitting world, I'm still working on my Christmas list and making okay progress. I'm planning on making my mom the Branching out scarf for Christmas. So I joined Lacevember. I've been wanting to do this scarf for so long, and Im looking forward to starting something new besides socks and dishcloths. Not that I don't love knitting them, but once in a while I need to expand my horizons. I also joined Knitter's coffee swap, as if I didn't already have enough caffeine from KTS2. I love to drink tea, but mainly in the afternoon and evening. I have to have coffee in the morning though. I'm looking forward to this. Should be fun!!

Grrr!! I have lots of photos to share, but unfortunately blogger doesn't want you to see them!! I'm going to have to try later!!


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