Tammy's Knitting Space

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Answers to some questions

Well, the new KAL I'm involved with this month, Lacevember, is having another contest this week, and the following questions were asked:

The knitting questions, or the usual suspects:
How long have you been knitting? Almost two years now.
How did you learn to knit? Believe it or not, my oldest daughter got me started. My mom had taught her the basics, then she taught me, and then the rest I learned on-line with tutorials.
Favorite thing about knitting? All the possibilities. I'm always learning something new, using new techniques, new yarns, it's just endless. There are always new thing to create with knitting.
How long have you been knitting lace? Well, I have knit some lace socks in the past, but this is my first real "lace" project, so about a week.
Favorite thing about knitting lace. It amazes me what can be created with a few yarnovers and decreases.

The yarn questions, or flash your stash:
Favorite lace yarn? This is my first and I am using Elsebeth Lavold and love it.
variegated or solids for shawls? I have not knit a shawl yet, but would love to do one in a variegated.
Favorite lace color? I am drawn to the delicate muted understated colors that seem to really make the lace pattern stand out.

Technique, or show us your skillz:
Circs or straights? Im using straight bamboo on my branching out and is working well.
Favorite lace knitting trick? Haven't got any yet!
Lifelines? Haven't used any yet
If so with what?
Fancy blocking wires, or just sewing pins stuck in your carpet? I think I will be using blocking pins.
Pattern, or can you follow directions:
shawls or lacey items? Scarf is my first lace project, but would love to do a shawl.
triangle, rectangle, or circular shawls? I love the triangle shawls.
Charts or printed instructions? Printed instructions.
Favorite lace you've knit? I've only worked on Branching Out.
Favorite lace you want to knit? Not sure yet.

Just Fun, yup that's right, just for fun:
Favorite jelly belly flavor? Pina Colada
Tell me everything you know about Eric the Red..... He has red hair??
Coke, classic or with lime? Classic, with a lemon wedge
Holiday carols, sing along, or wish they would be banned from all public airwaves? Sing a long of course!
What is the definition of irony? Sarcasm
How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop? One, two, three, crunch!
Why is my cat always puking in front of my son's bedroom door? Hmm, don't know how old he is, but based on my kid's rooms, may be his way of sectioning it off as a disaster area.
What is your superhero power? Reading minds.
If the laundry is 9 foot by 11 foot (just dreaming, that's a big laundry room), and the walls are 8 feet tall, and you are going to tile the entire room in tiles that are 3 inches by 5 inches, what color should those tiles be? Mocha and beige.
What's for dinner tonight? Whatever my husband cooks.
What is clogging my children's bathtub drain? I think that's better left unknown.

I'm also participating in Knitters' Coffee Swap, and Catherine asked the following questions:

What are you knitting now? On the needles at the moment are my Branching Out scarf, and also working on my second Dublin Bay sock. I've got a dishcloth on the needles also.
What yarns are you coveting? I'm using Elsebeth Lovold on my scarf and I'm enjoying working with that. Also, I recently discovered Paton SWS, and love it. I'm planning on using that to knit "My so-called Scarf" for a Xmas present.
What's your favorite yarn and why? I can't really say that I have a favorite, just anything soft. I do like Noro Kureoyon though.
What's your favorite yarn store and why? I've been trying a lot of online stores recently since there are no closeby LYS's near me. I've used WEBS and Knitpicks and have had good luck using them, I also recently bought some Cherry Hill and Anne Schaefer recently from Little Knits.


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